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  • {{patient.lastname}}, {{patient.firstname}} Optos
    ID: {{patientsCtrl.getDisplayableEmrId(patient.emrid)}} | DOB: {{patient.dob | momentDate}}
  • No patients found. Please create an account before searching.
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  • {{patientsCtrl.unsavedImages.length}} Unassigned Images
  • {{activity.modalitycount}} {{activity.modalityname}} images saved to {{activity.firstname}} {{activity.lastname}} (reviewed)
  • No recent activity found.
  • Patient Inbox

  • {{patient.lastname}}, {{patient.firstname}}
    Last Image: {{patient.mostrecentimagedate | epochDate:'shortDate'}}

  • {{patient.patientlastname}}, {{patient.patientfirstname}} {{}}  
    Last Post: {{patient.mostrecentpostat ? (patient.mostrecentpostat | date:'shortDate') : 'No posts yet'}}